April 2, 2007

Angry Old Men

Over the weekend we visited some friends at the hospital to welcome their new baby girl. She was adorable, with that pouty pink mouth and grumpy old man look that newborns have. She even had a full head of hair. I was completely jealous over her hair, because Ella has yet to grow any.

I was holding the sweet new baby girl, musing over her mouth and adorable old man look, when I said "Babies look like angry old men." The babbling of the happy new parents stopped, and everyone turned to look at me. It was one of those moments where you know you have just said something wrong, but it has already escaped your mouth and it is too late to take it back.

The father screwed up his face and scoffed, "No they don't," very defiantly, as if I had suggested something really absurd, like all babies are ugly or something. After a long silence, the conversation finally resumed without me and I kept my thoughts to myself.

But isn't that a common comparison, that babies look like angry old men? I've heard other people say it before. And it's true - babies do look like angry old men, with their puffy eyes and pursed lips and angry red skin.

Maybe the father took such offense because I said it while looking at his baby. He was totally in love with her. Every few minutes he would walk over and kiss her forehead or fuss over her blanket or just look at her. He obviously thought his baby girl was the most beautiful baby in the world, as all new parents do.

I know I thought my baby girl was the most beautiful baby in the world (and is now becoming the most beautiful toddler in the world). But I can still acknowledge that as a newborn, she looked like an angry old man. All newborns do.


Katie Jean said...

hi! I found your blog because I'm kate b too! haha. I love reading what you have to say because I can totally relate to a lot of it. I'll be checking back often!

pseudo librarian said...

they do totally look like angry old men...even if they are beautiful like ella was. and she was.

ShanneyMac said...

man. it's not like you told a dead baby joke or anything...
I've referred to babies before as sacs of oozing orfaces. that's not any less true than that babies look like angry old men, but i assure you, it was also met with resistance & acrimony from the baby lovers present when the comment was made.