June 22, 2007

Feng Shit

For the past week I have been a whirling housekeeping dervish. My life has felt stuck lately, like I can't move ahead in the direction I want. When that happens, when I get royally stuck, I usually turn to housekeeping as a way to get the energy flowing again. It may seem archaic, or quaint, or silly, but I find that when I clear out the physical and mental spaces in my life, catalog and organize everything neatly and efficiently, then I can move on and make room for new stuff, new thoughts, new routines, new ways of being. I do this often. It is so freeing, to eliminate the excess and start anew with what's left over.

I have donated more than ten bags of stuff to the thrift shops, and most of Ella's outgrown clothes have been passed along to a baby cousin. I have sorted the books and kept only the must-keeps, and I've tried on and honestly assessed every item of clothing in my closet (!). I even got Chad to purge some of his clothes. I cleaned my storage space at my Dad's on Monday, and last week we cleared off our porch.

I can feel the energy loosening up already, I swear it.

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