July 6, 2007

Bento Boxes

All of my free time the past two days has been sucked up by this crazy website I stumbled on - Bento Yum - and the rest of the (surprisingly large) bento web.

What the hell is a bento? A reasonable question. Bento refers to a Japanese style of lunch-making that involves packing tiny bites of all kinds of different foods in little boxes for lunch. The boxes are called bentos, or bento boxes. The goal is to present a compact, balanced, nutrious, and aesthetically appealing lunch that is so artfully packed that nothing shifts or blends flavors until you open it at lunch time. You have to see the pictures to really understand the glory.

For a complete overview on bentos - including guidelines on food safety, tools, and more great photos - click over to Lunch in a Box. I don't know about the assertion that packing bentos is quick and easy, but Biggie devotes a whole section of her website to speed techniques for making bentos.

Bento boxes do seem like a effective way to pack a toddler's lunch. Would I be crazy to try my hand at bento making for Ella?


Jennifer Laycock said...

Bah, no crazy! Give it a whirl. ;)

Bento can be totally crazy and involved and well...complicated. But like Biggie points out, it can also be quick and easy. It's just about learning to keep the right stuff on hand.

I've found bento to be great for picky toddlers. Elnora's not much of an eater, but she loves bentos. She gets them a few times a week and sees them as a "treat." I mean who could resist a sandwich shaped like a star, a bear or whatever else?

Remember, you don't need fancy boxes to pack bento either. The lock n lock boxes they sell at Target/Walmart/etc work really well. :)

My name is Kate B. said...

I bought five small tupperware boxes at WalMart yesterday for $2.50 - 300 mL size. I'm thinking I will try Ella's lunches in them.

And yes, that's exactly what I was thinking - how could she refuse the cute shapes and colors?!