August 1, 2007

Are You Still There?

Holy shit, is it Wednesday already? I honestly woke up thinking it was Tuesday. The recovery period from our little vacation has been longer than expected.

I don't have anything spectacular to report about our trip. The wedding was beautiful. Chad and I partied like we were childless twenty-somethings: we drank a lot, we slept in, we enjoyed our hotel room to its fullest (ahem). We missed our daughter terribly, and we bought her an FBI t-shirt from a street vendor in D.C. to show her just how much we missed her.

I don't even have any funny stories about Ella and her weekend with the Grandmas. But I do have a funny anecdote from this morning's breakfast. Ella was not eating her waffles and I told her, "Eat your waffles and fill up your belly!" She lifted up her shirt and tried to stuff a waffle into her belly button.

Sorry, it's all I've got.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Kids seriously do the funniest things. I'm very careful regarding what I say, because my two-year-old takes everything very literally. Waffles in the belly-button was a first, though!