August 11, 2007

Links Again?

Oh, woe is me, my friends. I have been without Internet access ALL WEEK LONG, and it looks like the drought will continue until the end of next week. As a result, posting here may be sparse for the next week or so, and that's why it was sparse all last week too. And also, I may go crazy.

In order to stop the shakes and headaches I've been suffering through in my Internet withdrawal, tonight I've come to my brother's house to commandeer his bitchin' DSL connection. I had over 600 new items in my feed reader and I've spent the last few hours reviewing them. Some might call that a waste of time, but me, I call it research.

Some highlights:

13 Creative & Simple Ways to Save at Least $100 a Week (via
I finally gave up my brand name habit - I now buy the cheap diapers, the cheap paper towels, and even the cheap face wash. It took a while to convince me that cheap stuff really works the way it should, but lo and behold, it does! I've also been forcing Chad to pack a lunch for work instead of eating out every day, and I have finally, finally, FINALLY quit my coffee shop habit (except when I'm out of town, of course). Now, to work on the smoking thing ...

Nicole Richie Grows Breasts
I am particularly fascinated with Nicole Richie's pregnancy (and also Katie Holmes' mothering style, but that's a whole post on its own). Nicole looks fantastic in this photo, so much better than the whole emaciated-heroin-addict look she had going on before.

Suddenly, the Hunt Is On for Cage-Free Eggs

Yet another reason I need to get my chicken coop built (hint, hint, my dear) . I agree wholeheartedly with Paul Shapiro of the Humane Society, who is quoted at the end of the article as saying, “While cage-free certainly does not mean cruelty-free, it’s a significant step in the right direction.”

Troubled Los Angeles Hospital Loses Funding
Los Angeles makes me sad (no insult to my L.A. sisters out there - I know there are good things going on out there too). It would just suck to be poor and sick in that city. This particular hospital "... was built after the 1965 Watts riots to bring health care to poor, minority communities in south Los Angeles. In recent years, poor patient care has been blamed for several deaths." Do you remember when they discovered ambulances dropping patients off on Skid Row?

Wedded to Work, and in Dire Need of a Wife
I was just telling Chad yesterday that we will need to get a wife when I go back to work (which will be soon - yikes.) This is a really fascinating article that brings up all sorts of issues and comes at them from all sorts of perspectives. If you've ever found yourself thinking "... women still generally shoulder a greater burden of household business (or fretting over how to do what is not getting done)," then you really should read it.

With Fixtures of War as Their Canvas, Muralists Add Beauty to Baghdad
"The new murals are part of wider beautification works financed by the American military, the Iraqi government and aid organizations as part of an often-foiled effort to renovate Baghdad, as well as to improve its security. More art projects will be planned for other sites if the program wins popular support — and if the artists stay alive." Public art is good. Always good.

Bento #97 & #98 - Toddler & Baby Bentos

When I make a bento box for Ella she eats much more nutritious food, both in quantity and quality, than when I make her an American lunch plate. I honestly think the bento box may be the cure to picky toddler eating.

So I guess I'll talk to you all next week sometime. Oh, the horror.

1 comment:

pseudo librarian said...

this made me sick about that hospital. i still think about it all the time.