September 5, 2007

Hoot Owl

I wholeheartedly apologize for my recent blogging drought. I have no spectacular or outrageous excuse - just the stuff of everyday life. Ella has exploded into this little person who demands all of my attention during her waking hours, which are becoming longer and longer by the day. Chad has been working from sunrise till sunset almost every night. Our washer is still broken and (AND!) now our stove is too, so keeping my family in clean clothes and fed has become a rather arduous and time consuming daily task.

Like I told you, lame excuses, but there they are nonetheless.

Since Ella thinks that she needs during every waking moment, I have started trying to get shit done after she is asleep for the night. I have always loved the hushed, private hours of nighttime, but since becoming a mom the only thing on my mind most nights is sleep. Recently, though, I have been resisting the lure of the bed in favor of a a cup of coffee and a solo trip out the door. Sometimes I grocery shop at the 24-hour market, where I find the room and the time to slowly and methodically troll the aisles without Chad throwing extra things in the cart or Ella yelling to open a box of something. Sometimes I head to my Dad's to do laundry and write. Sometimes I just drive and enjoy the nighttime fog and quiet.

It doesn't really matter what I do. What these nights are really about is finding time to quiet my mind and shake off the clutter of everyday life. It's rejuvenating, even if it means I'll be tired as hell the next day.

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