December 7, 2007


Oh my. I can't believe I left that lame Starbucks post as top billing for over a month, but I was without Internet last month. It nearly killed me but somehow I pulled through. I hope people will come back and read. While I brew up a presentable post (which I should have been doing during my month-long hiatus, I know), here are some recent pictures of my lovely daughter. She is 18 months old now. She has more hair, a few more words, and a lot more sass.

Here she is making some Coconut Frosting with mama.
In order to get any baking done (which I honestly love to do), I have to let her "help."
She is especially good at cleaning up, as you can clearly see in this picture.
(A joke! Could you tell?)

Bundled up and oh-so-happy on her first sled ride. (Good mom, capturing a "first"!)
Chad bought her a sled months ago, and they were both way too excited to use it.
I took some pictures and ran back inside while they played.
I felt dizzy from all the fresh air and activity and had to retreat to the couch and my book.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Yay, I'm so glad you can post again! I think I would curl into a ball and cry if I didn't have internet for a month. It's how I communicate with just Your daughter is too cute for words!