December 15, 2007

Petite Centennial

This is my 100th post and I feel like we need to do something special to mark the occasion. In that spirit, I am asking everyone who stops by to please leave a comment. Let me know that you are there, especially if you've never commented before. If you feel like you don't have anything to say, answer this: if you were guaranteed to receive any one gift during the holidays - reasonable or not, realistic or not - what would you ask for?

Now go forth and comment. (Please!)


Martha said...

I enjoy reading your blog! As for Christmas presents, I'd actually wish for two: The first would be for my daughter to be healthy. She's had so many illness and problems since she was born, and it hurts me to see her sick. Second, I'd wish for my house to be paid off. Maybe if it was paid off, I wouldn't have to work, I could stay home with my daughter instead of sending her to daycare and she wouldn't be sick so often!

pseudo librarian said...

I want this

My name is Kate B. said...

Martha & Bonnie, you guys are the best. I can always count on you for feedback.

Now where are the rest of oyu? I know you stop by on occasion - let me know who you are!